Futops Traffic System

The Futops Traffic System is a cutting-edge product designed to revolutionize urban transportation and road management. With a comprehensive range of features, it offers advanced solutions to address multitude of traffic-related challenges, delivering real-time insights, enhancing safety, efficiency, and data collection capabilities.

The Futops Traffic System offers a suite of applications including traffic jam detection, vehicle speed monitoring, and parking violation enforcement. It also identifies stopped vehicles, opposite direction movement, debris, landslides, and traffic pulses, while alerting to route deviations and recognizing vehicle identities, enhancing urban transportation and road management with efficiency and safety.

Futops Crowd Analysis

Futops Crowd Detection helps to clarify the crowd density levels and crowd behavior which are the keys to the crowd management. Futops's crowd behavior analysis technology provides you more precise information on crowd density levels with quantified data including the number of people and the percentage of crowd density.


Pack Eye

This device keeps a close check on the materials used in the packaging. Filling the crates with stuff is the first step for the workers. The insect package will be followed by the camera. Until then, someone will load the box, and the camera will feed data to the system. When the back box arrives at the storage facility, the system determines if it is ready to transport or whether it is a defaulter. It will also quickly notify the administrator as well as anyone who is in a remote place.


Health Passport

This product provides No contact solution for examine body temperature and visitors. It will first evaluate the person's body temperature and generate a ticket as a sign of temprature reading. Only those who are safe to enter are granted access via system generated authorization ticket.


Shelf Monitoring

We at shelf monitoring system. Keep a close eye on stock availability. If a stock falls below the minimum limit, a notification will be generated to draw attention to under stopped items. Our product can be used to easily track the product availability. Also, with the help of product, inventory, control can be improved, not only providing inventory control, but also Gathering effective inputs for demand. Demand forecasting is possible with our product.


Futops Retail Analytics

By leveraging artificial intelligence, Futops Retail Analytics helps retail businesses uncover consumer patterns. Our computer vision models can detect people and a broad range of objects in a retail setting, while performing advanced real-time analytics to develop valuable customer insights.


Futops Meet

To ease communication and connect in ages of social distancing, We have designed India's own Video conferencing and Instant Meeting solution "Futops Meet" which is highly secure and easy to use. Futops Meet transforms your video conferencing experience by integrating the industry's highest-fidelity audio and video performance with incredible productivity features and a comprehensive security toolkit to provide you with a distinct competitive advantage every time you join a meeting.


Futops Corona Prevention

In ages of social distancing, We have designed India's own Corona Prevention solution for this "New Normal", Using this algorithms an alarm can be triggered, whenever any violation of the social distancing norms occurs. It captures images of the field view and computes the distance as per criteria set by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Similarly Mask Identification and PPE kit identification can be done the same way.


Futops Inventory Tracking

Stockeye will help you to count the things and maintain the records of your stock.To keeping continuous track of packaging goods, notifying user about defaulter stock, avoiding overstocking and under-stocking and maintaining the availability of materials whenever and wherever required in enough quantity will be more easy with this product.
